Are you looking to sell your home in St. Louis, Missouri? If so, here are some tips that can help you sell a home even faster.
Real Estate

How to Sell a Home in St. Louis, MO

The housing market in St. Louis is hotter than ever. If you’re looking to sell a home, there’s no better time. To help get your house sold quickly, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know about selling a home in S. Louis.

From taking a cash offer to how to prepare your home for sale, think of this as your go-to guide for getting your home sold. Let’s jump in and get your house off the market.

Selling Your Home As-Is

When it comes to getting your home sold quickly, there’s no faster way than selling your house for cash, as-is. When you sell your home this way, there’s no waiting around for buyers, real estate agents, or market conditions. You can choose when you want to close and move on to your next chapter.

Selling your home for cash, also means there’s no need to wait for financing from buyers. When you list your home on the traditional market, a buyer may come who’s getting a mortgage. During this process, your home is appraised and inspected. If something goes wrong with financing, you’re back to square one.

If a buyer’s financing falls through, you’ll have to start all over listing your home. This means more time spent on the market and more time waiting for your home to sell. With a cash offer selling your home as-is means there’s no appraisal or work needed.

Selling your home to a cash buyer and an investment company also means there’s no realtor commission. Between realtor commissions, fees, and closing costs, this is all money out of your pocket.

Making Small Updates

Making small updates to your home can help it sell quickly. Buyers in St. Louis want a home that’s move-in ready. If your home needs a lot of work, even the smallest updates can help it sell faster.

Before you list your home for sale, consider making small updates. New paint is an inexpensive update that will make a big impact. Choose a light, neutral color, and your home will look larger. A new coat of paint will give everything a new, fresh feeling.

In addition to paint, small updates in the kitchen and bathroom will also go a long way. Consider staining or painting cabinets to give your kitchen a fresh make-over. New light fixtures and cabinet hardware are also inexpensive updates that will give your home a more updated style.

If your budget allows, changing outdated flooring is also an update with a great return on investment. You’ll see a big difference in how buyers view your home. Any update you can make will help your home sell quicker.

Boosting Your Curb Appeal

When it comes to updates, don’t overlook the front of your home. This is your first chance to grab a buyer’s attention. A potential home buyer wants to feel welcome when they pull up to a house.

To help give your house a more welcoming appearance, spend a little money on curb appeal. Remove dead plants and old landscaping. Add newly potted flowers and a new doormat to give your front door a cute new look.

If a buyer pulls up and sees a lot of work in the front of your home, they may just keep driving. You only have a few seconds to make a good first impression on a buyer. Curb appeal gives buyers that warm and fuzzy feeling before they even step through the front door.

Making Repairs

If there’s a lot of broken items in your home, now is the time to make those repairs. If buyers do an inspection, they may walk away from a home in need of too many repairs. Lots of broken appliances or fixtures could mean more money out of their pocket.

To make a good impression with buyers, show them that everything is in good working order. Replace those broken stairs and change the lightbulb that’s been out since March. The more repairs you make now, the easier the selling process will be.

De-Cluttering and Pre-Packing

Before you sell your home, try to declutter. Buyers want to see your home, they don’t want to see your toys, mail, and laundry. Donate or recycle anything you don’t use anymore. Pack the rest so your home looks cleaner and you can get a jump on packing.

Buyers want to see themselves in the home. The cleaner your home is the more vision they’ll have on how to use the space.

Simple Do-It-Yourself Staging

To help a buyer picture themselves in your home, some simple staging is all you need. Once your home is de-cluttered, it’s time to give every room a purpose. Show buyers what each room can be used for.

If your dining room is also your home office and your kid’s art station, stage it back as a dining room. Let buyers see all the potential your home has. Buying a few inexpensive pieces of furniture or accessories may also help give your home a fresh make-over. Whatever you buy can come with you to your new home.

How to Sell a Home Quickly

With these simple tips, it’s easier to sell a home quickly. While selling your home as-is for cash, is the simplest solution there are other ways you can get your home off the market sooner. From de-cluttering to making some small updates, these simple fixes will help your home sell faster and for more money.

If this sounds like a lot of work, an as-is cash offer may be a better option for you. There’s no need for updating, staging, or showing your home. For more real estate tips and advice, head to the real estate section. You’ll find helpful guides, resources, and more.

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